
News Updated Reference List – Now also with Case Studies

We have now updated our Reference List with 2016 sales and we also added Case Studies at the back of the Reference List.

You’ll find the Reference List on our website under References or Download /Company Brochures /Reference List.

We think it’s nice to be able to showcase our dealers Case Studies on our website. We would like to show more of them and have therefore created a web form to collect the information we need to manage that. The web form is available on the website under the heading References and the button Submit Case Study. You can easily fill in all the fields and attach pictures of the facility and then submit. We need all fields marked required (*) to be filled in to allow for the Case Study to be submitted. There is also the possibility to add a picture of a person together with a quote and we will show it on the main page of our website. The following facts will be requested in the form:

Required (*):
Name of Case studie  provider:
Email of Case studie provider:

Company (owner of facility)
Facility name
Location (of facility)
Year of Skandia additions

Capacity (Line and t/h)
Storage capacity (t or m3)
Handled grain
Machinery (types and numbers of machines)

Main reasons (one or several) for why you have chosen Skandia Elevator Equipment

Facility images (at least 2 images with high resolution or large size)

Not Required:
Personal Quote (Note that a quote will only be shown with an image of the person quoting)
Image of the person quoting