News Skandia Academy, March 25–26
Welcome to a free 2-Day Training in Arentorp! By participating in Skandia Academy, you as a dealer will gain a solid knowledge foundation that makes
World premier at Agritechnica 12 nov 2017.
Skandia Elevator est leader du secteur du transport de céréales Tous nos produits, des convoyeurs à bande à l'application novatrice Grain Cloud, sont aussi robustes que faciles d'utilisation. Avec Skandia, il n'est jamais difficile d'avoir un temps d'avance.
Un investissement dans un produit Skandia Elevator se justifie pour sept raisons:
Welcome to a free 2-Day Training in Arentorp! By participating in Skandia Academy, you as a dealer will gain a solid knowledge foundation that makes
The intake pit has a fixed width of 3.5 meters and the length can easily be increased in steps of 0.5 meters. The 3.5-meter width
Due to increased demand from the heavy duty industry, we have developed V-lids as accessories for all horizontal H-line conveyors. They are now available for